Please complete all parts. You may stop between the parts and resume at any moment in time. The following symbols at the bottom of the presentation help you to navigate around the presentation:
Each lesson contains exercises and assessments. The total amount of point for each lesson is 50 points. This class has two lessons and a total of 100 points. You need to be logged in to count your points.
question indicator summary and grade toggle fullscreen table of contents
Every action in this E-learning class is tracked and recorded. The E-learning lesson uses the experienceAPI to record all action in the learning locker. The information is only stored on this website.
Website analytics
This part of the lesson will talk about website analytics.
Please learn the vocabulary. (You will need a browser like Chrome. The program uses speech recognition and your microphone as input.)
1. Vocabulary
2. Lesson
Please study the following lesson. You can put the lesson in full screen mode by clicking on the sign on the bottom right.